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Is Gordon still in No. 10?

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joggerjayne | 17:07 Fri 07th May 2010 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Should we have a whip round and send in the bailiffs ?

He's like some skanky squatter whom you can't get to move out.

Next thing, he'll be pinning bedsheets up at the windows, and singing "We shall not be moved ..."


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I spoke about blairs opinion of the size of the flat at number 10

crafts reply could apply to us both ;)
^^ borrocks, I cannot type tonight. 10 is ALWAYS the PM.
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Boxy ...

In what parallel universe was GB a good chancellor ?

He managed to paper over the cracks in his own Budgets until, suddenly, the bubble burst, and it all came crashing down around the nation's ears !!!

The only saving grace was that we still had the gold reserves. Or, at least, we would have still had them, if GB hadn't sold them all to disguise his Budget deficits !!!
Rather Gordon than that Slimeball Cameron. I wouldn't trust him an inch!!
lol lofty, I always think gordon is the slimeball ;)
No, he's just a dour Scotsman with no communication skills. I can cope with that, cazz. Cameron's eyes meet in the middle - very untrustworthy!! ;o)
I like the cut of his gib ;)
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Lofty ...

Clarence, the lion in Daktari, had eyes that met in the middle.

That didn't mean that poor old Clarence was shifty !!
Ahem, I didn't actually say that jj, I was waiting for someone else to..... I said "whether or not he was..."
rodney trotter was never shifty either
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I'm sorry, Boxy ... that is what you said, isn't it.

My apologies.

Hey ... Boxy's avatar cat has eyes that meet in the middle !!!!!
Damn, you noticed, I'll have to call it Cameron.
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Cameron the Cat ?

Mmmmmm .... no !
Oh Lottie, how could you?!
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LOL Lofty ...

They had just asked Bush ...

"Mr President, is it true that you had prior knowledge of 9/11?"

And he's thinking ...

"Errr ... sh!t ... what was the answer we had prepared for that question??"
Woah JJ why the 'Scottish' before buffoon apart from the fact that he is Scottish.Thats racist ya know !

I can understand not agreeing with policies or blatant fcuk ups but I fail to see why people have to lower themselves to personal insults to get their point across.

Mark my words -there will be more trouble ahead if David Cameron becomes PM.

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Is Gordon still in No. 10?

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