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feb 06

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4getmenot | 21:09 Thu 06th May 2010 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
'When i go to nightclubs I get alot of blokes grabbing my butt. Is there anyone out there that actually likes guys doing this? Do any blokes on here do this? It annoys the hell out of me and I dont know why blokes thinks it might impress women.'

My My times have changed, they are more likely to pinch my purse than my bum nowadays


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Why are you looking at 4-year-old posts, 4get?
haha 4get
Question Author
Didn't you just reach round and squeeze their boIIocks?

It usually takes wind out of their sails!
Certainly would bother me a lot ... blokes grabbing my straight ar$e
I would only ask you how you like your eggs next morning, 4get : )
-- answer removed --
"I like mine with a kiss,

Boiled or fried, I'm satisfied,

As long as I get my kiss!

Question Author
No my mate used to turn round and give them a nipple twister lol Al can I have them scrambled tomorrow please? Dont get me wrong The poached ones this morning were lovely, just fancy a change.
I wouldn't dream of doing something like that to a woman - I'm a gentleman. My mate says it's rife among the asylum seekers in the main nightclub in town. They think it's OK.
Question Author
probably because they have to talk with their hands because they cant with their mouths
Never done that to a complete stranger.
I was hoping you were going to say fertilized, 4get lol
Scrambled it is then. : )
You can't have everything Albags.

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feb 06

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