Crosswords0 min ago
Welcome to ChatterBank the home of natter and nonsense on The AnswerBank. You could ask serious questions here, but don't expect serious answersPlease try to keep ChatterBank clear of political discussion and news. There are better categories for these topics.
ChatterBank is a place for natter and fun. ChatterBank is not to be a place for gloom and doom threads regarding current affairs.
Walking up the path with parcel, 'Are you John' 'No' 'Mr Order' Again'No' 'This is number 2' 'Yes' By now he's close enough to see the label, and I can see Mrs N's name on The second line, because it... ...
Relaxing in the small office this morning with the radio on and an everyday tale from Ambridge playing I suddenly realised that this is how I picture Answerbank and members in my mind. All life is... ...
It seems a risky business taking your used carrier bag to the shops now. Its was the 3rd time in a month yesterday I was asked if the bag I had was a new one. So I said yet again NO can't you see... ...
This morning? Watch this then.,😂 ...
Fed up of it. Every item I buy online, every contact with seemingly every company including the council and utilities results in emails or texts asking for a review. This can be the day after... ...
Well what have I missed in the last few days? iPad went off to be repaired and it's the only thing I go on AB with - I could have tried to log into it on my fone but the last time I tried that I... ...
I can think of Taylor, Tony or Tonie, also I know a man named Kerry, how bizarre is that? A man called Kerry? Over to you guys
Thought this amusing. Seen it on FB. Here's a couple. 😁 Stamps = Lickie Stickies Defibrillators = Hearty Starty Fork = Stabby Grabby Can you think of some?? ...
. . . when unexpected guests drop in? ...
Good evening, once again! A 'middle of the road' start for me this week, with FOUR out of seven in the main quiz: . . . but I couldn't get to the... ... . . . but I couldn't get to the... ...
This sprung to mind as I've just finished a meal of fish and chips (home cooked, not takeaway) with tartare sauce. I like the latter so much I then start spooning it straight out of the jar - yum... ...
ie, in car parks? ...
I've just seen an on-line advertisement for a Bulgarian army vintage greatcoat. It's all wool and only costs £12. I'm tempted but fear I'd look like a Bulgarian version of Claud Green grass in his... ...
I think there's a partial eclipse of the moon tonight, an unusual blood moon. Will you watch it?
Ever launch an enquiry into undue influence by Elon Musk on Donald Trump will it become known as Elongate? Or is that too much of a stretch?
The sun is shining! Its actually feeling warmer! Are we still in false spring or can I finally start planting seeds? Think I will get some washing out on the line today, won't be dog walking as the... ...
I was going to put up a video about politics, and then I thought to hell with it, please listen to this instead (full volume) 😄 ...
Is complete yet another questionnaire and have a face to face with the doctor for the company I did the clinical trial with...and was told I'll receive another £150 for my trouble!!!! Could have... ...