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Fake Tan

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kezia_88 | 20:29 Mon 15th Aug 2005 | Body & Soul
5 Answers

When you use the fake tan that lasts, does it stay on when you have a shower or bath?




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Yes! St Tropez is the best one i've tried so far. Expensive, but worth it! :-)
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does it stay on when you wash?
Yes! As long as you don't do any serious exfoliating!

St Tropez is the biz.Once you apply it - at night - dont be alarmed in the morning cos once you have showered the excess comes off.

You have a lovely streak free natural tan for days.Its expensive but lasts for ever.

i find the spray tans superb. for about 15 quid you get an absolutely perfect tan and it doesnt rub off on your clothes like st tropez does. get to you local beautician!!

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