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Bargain !

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NoMercy | 10:36 Sat 08th May 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Mohammed Al Fayed has sold Britain's most famous department store - Harrods - for the princely sum of £1.5bn. Cheap, or non?


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I realise that your answer was(probably) meant to be funny,but as Mr Al Fayed is Egyptian wouldn't they be already?
BTW the Al~Thani family(the Royal Family of Qatar) are actually some of the most enlightened in the Middle East.
Quote from Mr Veritas,
Al~Thani family(the Royal Family of Qatar) are actually some of the most enlightened in the Middle East.

If you mean more westernized, I suggest you go there. I worked there many times and can assure you its nothing like enlightened. And they have strict rules like Saudi.
More than likely the shoplifters will be in burqas. They can stuff a lot of goodies away under there, and no-one would be any the wiser.

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