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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:30 Sun 09th May 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
It's Sunday morning and so far it is dry, overcast, but not looking like rain yet. Let's hope it at least stays that way!
Have a happy day everyone.


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no its not me

i wish !!
on its way - tame herring gull, tied to his leg, his name is Sidney.
oh Jayne, you're such a disappointment, lol!
And good luck to Jayne in finding the correct herring gull in Brighton!
i know sidney

he hangs out near the chippie on the pier


that picture is just how i feel this morning

i've been up about half an hour ... and im struggling
I feel like that, too.. but I don't have legs like that :o/
Has he arrived yet? I will have to apologise if he's stopped off at Mr V's en route.
seagulls !

you can only rely on them to poop on your stuff, and steal your food.

we won our last game of the season yesterday ... yaay

we were in Block G/H ... where all the loud, hardcore rowdy fans go

it like our equivalent of The Kop, or the Stretford End

it was fab
Sidney owes me one, his brother cr*pped all over my car last night. I have the white spotted car, daisymoo it isn't.

He has a relative too who stands outside my office window each morning staring in, and bangs on the window. I wonder if a picture of Rover (facing out) would put him off? I'll give it a try.
rover ?
Rover is my avatar, the-cat-who-thinks-he's-a-dog

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Good morning early birds!

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