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how much do you trust your partner

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4getmenot | 17:04 Mon 10th May 2010 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
Would you let them walk a member of the opposite sex home?


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Sqads not a player. He is the original and the best Love Doctor. He is the Consultant of Copulating, the Surgeon of Seduction!
vibra.......LOL.....the more you know about women, the more you realise how little one knows.

DEN...It's not a b....y....never mind. Sexy photograph ;-)
I love winding you up Sqad........
Den LOL..I could offer something for you to grasp whilst "winding me up"
I'll go and get my rubber gloves......
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Sqad - after reading Mrs. Sqad's lovely birthday poem to you - I have been racking my brains to come up with one for Mr. Den - run this past Mrs. Sqad

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
The grass needs cutting
and the drains need sorting to.
Den........just shouted into the lounge "Wonderful" she laughed.
I've never had a partner so I don't know. I don't trust myself sometimes let alone anyone else. That's probably why I've always been alone. Nobody's perfect are they? We all have our hang ups weather you admit to them or not.
yes but it has taken a lot over the last few months to get to this point !!!!!! lol

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how much do you trust your partner

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