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NoMercy | 17:32 Mon 10th May 2010 | ChatterBank
113 Answers
Which Aber do you think would be your ideal partner ... and why?


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no i insist on a date for just the two of you august????dont be daft woman thats months away your hot hes hot get it on girl i insist !!!!!!!!xx
aww I am in Benalmadena then NM..tut !
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zzxxee... there is the small matter of my being in Spain atm. I won't even begin to regale you with my tale of woe regarding finding a property to move into when I head back to England in a few weeks time...
see your in uk in a few weeks go and stay with bobjugs

oi bob no mercy wants a weekend at yours to get to know you is that ok??????
zzxxee, thats not a problem, if she doesn't mind barrack blocks
go away for the weekend seperate rooms if need be go on kids make aunty zzxxees day xxx
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I'm positively blushing here...
stop making excuses and tiptoeing about just go for it what have you both got to loose???

answer nothing !!!!!!!!
NoM, so am I!!
listen kids heres the deal if bob doesnt call nm right now he is going to have to live in mu cuboard and be my naked cleaner there thats your alternative so get on wiv it xxxxxxxx

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Hey... give us time to get our heads around phonecalls...

Geez... you'll be discussing our sex life next...
naaaa not that bad hun just want to see the two of you have a date xxx
I've no friends on here at the moment, but I'm very fond of Gordon, we work together.

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