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Have a nice night y'all time to go to bed,,

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Bobbisox | 22:28 Mon 10th May 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
sick of reaching for the paper hankies with this
Nite all
Bobbi ♥


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Goodnight Bobbi, hope ya feel better in the morning. :-) xx
Night, Bobbi X
Question Author
what a lovely lad, stay as sweet as you are benny x
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Nite NM x
Night Bobbi - hope you feel better soon. x
Question Author
nite lardy, so do I ...thanks x
night night mutha xxx
Question Author
nite pet, sleep well x
Nite bobbi hope your cold gets better, I've got one too.
Night now Bobbi, hope you feel better in the morning!....................
Question Author
nite ask, bleeding horrible innit
May? doesn't feel that
Night doll. Sleep tight. xxx
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nite Welsh, thanks x

ps don't like leaving incase someone is kind enough to say goodnight and I haven't answered
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nite Mrs c x
go on grab a lemsip and off to be d !!!!!!!!
goodnight bobbi , hope you are feeling better soon

Cherry xx
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I'm gone
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Nite Cherry, thanks pet x

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Have a nice night y'all time to go to bed,,

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