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re. zees say summat nice about another aber...

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Bobbisox | 12:44 Tue 11th May 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I failed to mention DEN, her and I came in here roughly the same time, how could I forget
she is witty and very funny...snd a good friend to peri


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I make Britain great - thats some achievement
that's just the size of your ar&e

(legs it quick)
Jan - I only found that out this morning - but as I said to J....... I got fed up waiting and the rubber catsuit started to chaff, so I went off to watch downloads of Desperate Housewives and Dexter. ha ha ha
I said 20something! At no point did I say you were old.
I am only pulling your errrr leg ... Bob ....I am quite flattered to be called 20 something......ha ha ha

From your photo you look one fit hunk - can't understand why you have not been snapped up or have you....................
My batteries about to di.............
Duracell Xtra power you need pericat, they give you an extra buzz ..:-)
Thanks Den, but I'm no hunk lol
I have not been snapped up yet, but I'm hoping lol
When you do find the right Mrs. Bob, just keep in mind, Peri can make the jewellery for the bride & bridesmaids and I can park the wedding cars (my speciality) as long as it does'nt involve small spaces.
Stay single bobjugs otherwise DEN will wreck the whole wedding cavalcade ! lol
Speak to No Mercy about that, she's my future missus ;-)
Red - don't tell him that - not before he has hired me anyway (:0 (
Though there may be a problem if its a horse and carriage...............
I'm sure bobjugs would love to see you riding shotgun on his Horse drawn carriage DEN ! ....Stampede lol

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