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peed off

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4getmenot | 15:52 Tue 11th May 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Just got back from 2nd interview. spoke to the MD's and was very confident, think they liked me and I came across ok. Then I had a short test to check I was competent in using Excel and sending emails. We had to input some data into a spreadsheet and sort into date order and input the sum of the columns. I am so angry with myself right now as thought I had done ok and have now realised although I sorted into date order I didn't sort the other columns along with it, I should have highlighted the whole lot and sorted column A rather than just highlight column A. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhh!!


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Dont worry...we all do it at some stage.
They don't expect you to do absolutely everything right y'know! : )
Plain or smoked bacon in your sandwiches later? : )
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smoked please. I know everything cant be perfect all the time but it should be at an interview. I know exactly what I did wrong and feel so stupid right now.
I did almost exactly the same thing at a job interview 17 years ago. I wrote to them and said I had realised how I had cocked up. I got the job. Might be worth a try.
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I emailed my recruiter who has now emailed them to explain.
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hadan email back saying not to let it worry me, that she was impressed I'd realised my mistake and she has done the same before.
you might have inadvertently done yourself a favour 4get. By contacting them and letting them know you made a mistake you're also showing that you REALLY want the job.

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