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My mouse is stuck

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alavahalf | 20:05 Tue 11th May 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Possibly put this in the wrong section...


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...yum yum, you brought me dinner!
that' no mouse,thats a rat,i should know i am 1
Well it got me :)'s still dinner, rat or not!
ahem, whose dinner?
fryed or boiled
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This may help ..
My Mouse Is Stuck

Wasn't that the title of a track by the Pet Shop Boys ?
why thanks alavahalf, but we cats like mouse tartare... and mcfluff, ps I was here first. Finders keepers.
i'm bigger than you, survival of the fattest and all that....
5.5 kilos at the last weighin.. ?
We are not talking about mobiles in prison are we?
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Think you may need to join the queue...Lil's first...weighed in at 8.5kg last week
6.2 :-( on second thoughts you'd better have it
Err... back off a bit, alavahalf, then, but perhaps I can claim seniority, I'm 11?
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Obviously a salad dodger then..?
i'm doing a runner that things huge, boxy i know where there is some chicken i'll share
Maioow yes please, gimme!

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My mouse is stuck

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