possibly true bob - as I say, they will use the patient transport guys as drivers teamed with a paramedic - emergency technicians cost more and if there is a patient in the back, the paramedic has to stay with them so effecively the technician does most of the driving. patient transport guys are trained in first aid, but not much more as they are not expected to deal with emergencies. Up here there are quite a few private ambulance co's - usually staffed by ex NHS staff. not sure if starting in private how easy it would be to transfer - the training is quite long - 4 years? and consists of a lot of driver training as well as the medical stuff, you would need to pass all their own tests as well I think. I guess you are a fairly young guy, so if you were sufficiently interested, I would say that trying to get your training as a paramedic would be the way to go - better pay and a better job. Only other comment i would make is that my Oh says that the "green suits" i.e. the emergency guys always look knackered - I think it is a combination of the shift and the sitting around one minute and then expecting to be firing on all cylinders the next. If he was youngermy hubby would probably have done it - he is already a trained nurse - now he is happy - he does constant days, deals with mainly elderly patients which he loves and despite the pay, has job satisfaction.