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mr veritas

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zzxxee | 17:25 Sun 14th Mar 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
i just want you all to show you appreciation for the simply wonderful and hunky mr veritas who i think is our oldest answerbanker at 87,
he is a national treasure and should be treated as such 3 cheers for mr v sign below with a coment for
the hunk of burning love that is the sexy mr v xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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ed dont you think that you should issue mr v with an honary position like the key to answerbank towers or a special certificate or something ???
Aww thank you so much zzxxee (and all).
I am not anything special really,I am just an accumulation of memories and experiences that I hope can help younger people.
*Now I am gonna hide under the table!* LOL
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nope you are wonderful never opinionated always take time to give thoughtful answers and you are everyone honary grandad xxxxxx
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well ed ????????????????????????????? lol
Question Author
well ed ?????????
Bet you all feel silly now, don't you??

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mr veritas

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