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mr veritas and zoemillie

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mollykins | 07:41 Wed 12th May 2010 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Are/ were they the same person? To me, they seemed to have the same views and personality, both posing as an older gentlemen, Was the person using thir accounts even a man, or even retired?

And both of them have been banned. . . .


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"we should rise above speculation"
Near enough Umm!

Spare Ed
We're only human....can't help but gossip.
I know, but this is public gossip my a majority about a minority. It just leave a bad taste in my mouth.

Spare Ed
No-one knows enough about Mr.V's mental health to make an accurate decision as to why he acted as he has.
You know what it's like.....people soon forget.

I might do a 'bring back no,knowledge' to distract
People can quickly forget. Who was that Gordon Brown everybody was talking about not so long ago?
in a nutshell S.E a lot of people feel duped by this, so like ummm, I would have to say it is a natural thing to converse about, while at the same time I feel sorry for anyone who is suffering mental anguish,
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I wish you luck Doc xx
Thanks for understanding everyone.

And: Good Luck Doc.

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Spare Ed
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You'll start Molly off...!!!
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