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Tories have only been in power 24 hours

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Davethedog | 10:10 Wed 12th May 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
and unemployment has gone up 53,000


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Probably ex labour MP's, their staff and advisors!!
Less than 16 hours ... and your figure is the three months up to March. Have you been taking lessons in presentation from Alistair Cambell perhaps?
... and it is Tories and Liberal Democrats coalition.
When their austerity regime comes into operation will we all have to wear rags and eat crusts?
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just as long as you're not leading the troops vibes or we'll all be mincing along to the strains of "i will survive"
May well be back to the real days of being a peasant , when the gov really gets into its stride , and unleashes decades of smouldering contempt upon the masses.How dare they, the public, be so lax and so ignorant to vote anything other than for the Cons.
The FA are sending 23 players + entourage to play in the World Cup. There have unbeleivable wealth between them, yet they will be staying a short drive form where a million people really do "wear rags and eat crusts". I think something needs to change.
Not to do with tories - unemployment rose to 2.5 million by the end of March. That was during Labour's time.
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hp sauce has gone up 4p this morning

you can't blame that on gordon
And anything that happens to employment figures in the first few months of a new government is likely to be as a result of things that were happening some months before... I think it is fairer to wait and see this is pretty much uncharted territory.

You can't compare previous uk pacts and coalitions as we face totally different problems and society as a whole bears little resemblance to 70 years ago.

Goodluck David and Nick I think you are going to need it...
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Some people should have a little look in the mirror of course the Tories cannot be held responsivble for it.
Dr Filth, I don't blame the Hp sauce rise on the UK either!
Troops on the streets sounds fun. I wouldn't mind walking into a housing estate with a rifle and armoured support :D
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EDDIE51 ask itchy who makes the best coffee and i can't stand the stuff ( feel sick when i do make it )

andy buys aldi coffee and sticks it in a nescaffe jar and he thinks the same as you.

people can tell

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Tories have only been in power 24 hours

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