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dm world's smallest hardest crossword.

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cupid04 | 13:57 Wed 12th May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
4a] A yarn with a hard core.[4] ?I??.

5a] A seat. [archaic] [4] ?E??.

2d] An East Indian tree. [4] A??A.

3d] Non-commissioned army officer. [abbr] [3] C??.

4d] Military officer who advises in policy.[abbr] [3] ??O.


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5a sell
East indian tree could be Dhak, but does not match your letters
2d amla?
Are you sure the first A is correct in 2d
3d Cpl?corporal
Question Author
thanks everyone.
Question Author
With the help of a couple of your answers I was able with the help of Chambers
dictionary to come up with the rest. [4a] gimp, [3d CPL=corporal and [4d] GSO=
General Staff Officer. Thanks again for assistance.

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dm world's smallest hardest crossword.

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