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Old tv

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roslyn251254 | 11:19 Wed 12th May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
We have a new LCD flat screen tv and now have a perfectly good 28" analogue tv to dispose of. Does anyone know of charities/a n other that accept them or is it a visit to the tip? Seems a shame to chuck it as it works perfectly and receives the digital channels when connected to freeeview box.


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What about donating it to a youth club or nursing home ?
Yes there will be plenty of organisations willing to take it,Salvation Army being one and they will collect.
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Tried a few charities including heart foundation and salv army but they are not interested in any electrical goods. Will try local youth clubs and nursing homes, otherwise it'll be on its way to the tip.
it's sad, but nowhere will take it unless it can tested for electrical safety.first
Do you have a local freecycle? It does seems a shame to chuck away someting perfectly usable
Most councils have a free site on here. Just advertise it and a few people may reply .You would need to be on Yahoo to find it.
whenwe were changing to a flat screentv before Christmas, we tried umpteen local charities, but mostly they were not interested. And those of them that were, we couldn't come to a mutually convenient day for pickup. In the end we phoned the local council to do a bulky refuse collection. Left the tv outside the house the night before and before the council guys came to collect, some guy called at the door and wanted to take it off our hands ....
You could offer it on Gumtree or Freecycle. I'm sure there's lots of people would want it.
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thanks everyone for your replies - I'll try freecycle
I gave mine to my local charity shop

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