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The 500 euro note?

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NoMercy | 22:27 Thu 13th May 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
The 500 euro note is to be "withdrawn from sale", lest it fuel any more organised crime.

Have you ever seen or possessed one?

And do you prefer to carry larger or smaller denominations?


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hello ive seen a 500 euro note many years ago as we lived in luxembourg.
it was a note that was pink and they were issued from cash machines.
I was once given a cash imprest for some project work I was starting, and it was all in £50.00 shop would take them.
Had never seen one until brother-in-law lives in France and seems to do alright for himself...he came to see us a couple of months ago and had about 20 of them in his wallet .... flash git..!
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I had 3 in my purse at one time - that was about 4 years ago. Since then, I've seen only a few. Tbh.. there are signs up in a lot of shops and garages saying that they don't accept them.
in Greece and Iceland they use them as toilet roll

am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
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In Greece and Iceland they are probably as rare as hens' teeth...
The last time I went to Spain I had 4, trying to spend them was a nightmare, none of the shops would take them. I went to the bank and changed them for smaller notes.
€50's I've had. None bigger. Even the €200 is too big to spend easily.
i once found 200 euro note, that was nice...
That's probably the one I lost. Can I have it back, please?
where did you lose it sandy??
In Barcelona airport.
Sorry Sandy I found that and I've spent it now, I noticed that the shops in Majorca wouldn't take €50 notes. When I went to Costa Brava I changed £100 at one of the exchange booths and all the €20 notes turned out to be fakes.
Yes have had several but I now refuse to take them as shops etc will not change them, also they are very often countfeit!

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The 500 euro note?

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