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Oh, god ... it's SO hard !

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joggerjayne | 09:57 Fri 14th May 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I've managed a couple of hours work ... not looking at the AB screen ...

I'm trying not to look ... but it's ... just ... so ... hard ... Aaaaaaaaghhh !!!!


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Yes it is JJ, yes it is!
FAIL, you just looked and posted
I find it hard also JJ. I try and resist, but ................................
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It was an epic fail, Fluffy !
Fluff, I was agreeing that it's hard to stay away.

AB at work is like picking at scabs

Any other puns, innuendos or double entendres are purely coincidental
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So you've made a cushion this morning, Angel ??
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Well I'm glad you're here jj x
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Angel ... you have probably been the most productive person on AB this morning !!
Well thats not fair, i've logged onto two computers and been for a smoke today already. So i've been quite productive
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Everytime I have to do a search on the system it takes about 5 mins....other terminal AB time.... sorted
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You do interior furnishings, Angel ?

Well, bob has also been ... err, productive ... in his own sort of way. =0)

I was out with my smoker pal last night, and had a couple of hours outside the pub in the naughty garden. I'm glad the weather's warming up !
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Apart form flirting with my dream woman not much Angel
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Oh, god ... it's SO hard !

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