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Off to watch Three in a Bed

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smurfchops | 20:02 Wed 12th May 2010 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
On the tellie, I may add. Bye for now x Apparently Anita (mutton) used to be in an St Trinians film. Yawn.


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yes child actor you know, what what what
would you go to a B & B where you had to put your shoes in a basket when entering?
Is it on now Smurfy ? I will take a look - watched it last week, it was funny.

the couple from Scotland with the haunted guest house were a right pair of wallys.
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This show is curiously compelling, the production team and researchers must have worked hard to make up the sets of 3, anyone of the couples so far you could call loopy!
Not to worry Doc - I have looked out for it in our Essex skies but have never seen it - but then again I was expecting something the size of the Battleship Galactica.
Sounds like a porn film !
Ive got it on pause so off to watch it as well -theyre usually a bunch of right backstabbers -kinda come dine with me meets coach trip :)

Laters xx
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Anita would put me off staying there, don't like her at all. Husband a Yes Man. What was her name when she was young (100 years ago) when she was in St Trinians ?
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I bet he got a right rollocking over the hot/cold water incident ...
What was that last B & B like -just a doss house but the couple would have been good craic.Definite series link !!
who won?
Anita won -well she just HAD to didnt she :)
of course because she was a st trinian you know
Was that Anita Harris? I missed it.
Well it would have been rude for her not to win -wouldnt it ;)
No not Anita Harris boxy but you could catch some on Channel 4 + 1 if you want a taster of her. Best programme on the box at the moment lol!
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I would love to know what her name was when she was a 'child star' and see what she looked like. help, anyone ?
I thought the funniest bit was when they were eating breakfast at the Whitby B & B and Anita brought them some sausages from Newmarket, saying they were the best.
She thought thats what was on their plates and bragged about them tasting lovely and being the best.

When the woman (can't remember her name) at the Whiteby B & B - said no I have'nt used yours, I am saving them for tomorrow . Ha ha ha - well Anita's face - she could have turned the milk sour. (:0 D

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Off to watch Three in a Bed

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