I try not to be nosey, but this one person strikes me as being quite perculiar. Plus he sticks out as he wear a flourescent vest.
Whilst cycling to school, i go past a bus stop where there are almost always people waiting (unless i'm very early or late). However there is this one man, who wears the flourescent vest. Sometimes he is walking towards to bus stop from up the hill and sometimes from down the hill, and other times away from the bus stop, sometimes walkign up the hill and sometimes down the hill. And then very occaisonally, he is actually at the bus stop.
What could be the reason? There is a industrial estate nearby, but if thats where he works, why would he be walking away from it or at the hus stop. And no of the companies based in the industrial estate have other bases, anywhere near here, let onlone on the bus route.
No logo and he wears scruffy working boots and overalls under the jacket.
He wouldn't go to the cinema or a coffee shop looking like that.
But if he did shift work why would he sometimes be walking away from, sometimes towards and other times at the bus stop? I supose the 'visiting someone nearby' idea could be right.