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Big sweaty testicles!

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bobjugs12 | 15:04 Fri 14th May 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
My drinking partner for tonight has just cancelled on me. S'not fair. He's come up with some cock and bull story about his car being written off my his missus. Selfish wench did it deliberatly I reckon!

Who do I get drunk with now?


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If I have to get on a plane it's globetrotting, and that wasn't the sort of shenanigans I was refering to young lady. You have a filthy mind, and a potty mouth. You should be ashamed!
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Red - that would be fun - joking aside, I am quite a good driver, have been driving since I was 21 around 30ish years. Its just the parking I have a problem with................................did I tell you that on my lst driving test, I mounted the kerb in East Ham High Street, (thats east London) - the examiner was petrified - he said in a sort of calm voice 'when you are quite ready Miss H..... could you please return to the highway' - I will never forget the look of terror on his face to this day. {:0 (
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Somebody help me. Redhelen is 'Cougaring' me. Help me please
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How old are you?
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I'm 12, now your turn
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Now that would have been funny to see DEN ! Someone posted a Pic and an article on AB a few days ago about a learner driver overturning her car whilst having lessons,much to the consternation of her driving instructor.
It's tough driving in London DEN, the only time I drove there I got stuck in Rush Hour traffic and it's every man for him/herself.
Keep the faith and hopefully all your problems will resolve themselves ! x
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Ha, i'm only 28, which makes you a Cougar (i think)
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