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bobjugs12 | 15:50 Fri 14th May 2010 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Can I come over to yours tonight?


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Yeah, i'll grab some from duty free on the way through. Yogi can we use your private jet mate?
I'll be there NoM - as long as you have adequate parking as I am bringing Redman with me and I think he will be a nervous passenger ..(:0 (
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Honey pot is for dessert, Doc :0) xxx


I must admit i'm right up for a curry tonight, but mrs bear's doing a fish dish, as a friday, while i washed the cars and finished a few mins ago. Maybe i can put some curry sauce on
Yes, clear the Beach Nomercy DEN is on one of her wrecking sprees. Better evacuate the house as well just incase it gets demolished. Make sure you save the Curry ! Ha Ha
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2 Reliant Robins - Doc ha ha
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"2 Reliant Robins - Doc ha ha" it, Den or your tush is mine to bite xx

We've got 4 Doc including the big van i use if doing a gig needing my own gear, as i have a real lot of equipment and boxes. Most clubs have their own equipment though, but i do use the van quite a bit for mobile set-ups such as garden parties/ marquee's/function halls etc.

It took me an hour and 15 mins to wash and chamois dry them, so not too bad, and i did chat with a couple of neighbours as usual, as i'm always up for a chat :0)

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