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All containers great and small I am still struggling with question 32. I know that tin ore is SN, but can't relate it to a word for "crate" Anyone help, please?

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Brumas240 | 15:59 Sat 15th May 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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I struggle to read all that text in the title box.
Can you give us the exact clue please.
Question Author
Factor 30, Thank you for replying. The theme of the quiz is "containers great and small", and the clue is "Tin Ore is put back inside the crate" - 5 letter answer. I think it has something to do with SN and a word for Crate, but no joy at present!
Have seen this answered before- do an AB search
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Factor 30 from Brumas240 - Many thanks for your help. I am new to this site so forgive awkwardness. Regards.
You're welcome.

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All containers great and small I am still struggling with question 32. I know that tin ore is SN, but can't relate it to a word for "crate" Anyone help, please?

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