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THAT penalty ... OMG ... LOL

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joggerjayne | 21:55 Sat 15th May 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I saw the Portsmouth penalty on the News.

OMG ... I could have saved that !!!!!!!



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Me too jj, but at least he was closer than Lampard.
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I could have saved that penalty kick wearing high heeled sandals !!

It was just indescribably pants.
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Lampard ??
be careful...bobjugs will be licking his wounds this evening...but they did play crap! x
Chelsea had a penalty as well jj and Lampard missed the goal completely! Hope he's doesn't take any for England.
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Really, Jan?

OMG ... I wish I'd seen that !

I need to start paying more attention.
And Kalou missed an open goal, I think Portsmouth gave it a fair try, Ballack was certainly aware he'd been in game.....and David James wasn't too bad either.... Its a pity the financial problems meant relegation I hope they can hold on to enough of the team and rebuild to get back to the premiership quickly, The fans deserve it noisy beggars....
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Fans HAVE to be noisy !

When we've been to see the Gulls, I usually can't speak for the rest of the day because I've been screaming at the pitch so loudly.

Some people see this as a positive thing ... me being unable to speak !
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There was no match this afternoon. You all dreamed it.

We didn't get a dry-humping off chelsea, nor did I sit in a church hall with a bunch of old farts watching the match without so much as a beer or fag whilst the sound of a 10year olds birthday disco filtered through the walls rendering the commentators redundant
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Jolly !
It's not Portsmouth Football Club who need "help and understanding", it's all the local small businesses who have been "kicked in the teeth" by the unpaid debts from the club, and no doubt some will struggle to continue as a result.
you're right Canary - bloomin' dishonest foreigners again!

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THAT penalty ... OMG ... LOL

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