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FAO Joy-ous Bobbisiox

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Bbbananas | 08:11 Wed 19th May 2010 | ChatterBank
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Wasn't on here yesterday Bobbi - hospital appointment. But I gather from your mwah post, that you had good news regarding your son-in-law? Great. I'm so pleased for you, I know how worried you were. I had a similar experience a few weeks ago when my daughter had to go for a breast lump biopsy - with a strong family history of breast cancer, and her young age, I was in a bit of a state about it too.

GOod news after worry, certainly does make you feel lifted and appreciable of all the good things in life and of your family and close friends.

Hope you had a bleedin' gret drink?!!


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thank you Salla, everyone has been so kind and thoughtful, went out last night and had a few with a friend and going out with the family on Friday for a meal
Thanks for your kind words, I remember the incident with your daughter and so pleased it was the news you wanted.
Joyous Bobbi ..LOL

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