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how many of you ladyeees, have walked into the Gents toilet by mistake?

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Bobbisox | 13:52 Thu 20th May 2010 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
I did last Saturday and before I realized, I thought, the bloke who had his back to me at the trough,
mmmm Nice Shirt!!!!!
I was so embarrassed...LOL


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There a gay couple over the road from us, one was married and has adult kids. Probably spent years married struggling with the whole thing.
Tell the story, i'll write the screenplay. We'll make millions each and surround ourselves with buxom models
That's what I was thinking Bob.....
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rowan didnt mention she was a Lesbian did she?
Bob did youy ever see that 80's comedy Soap?

Every week it end with the word Confused! That now applies to me but I think its going to be a L O O O N G film.
earlier threads....I might try converting it to a novel one day........add a few characters from AB/CB suitably disguised of course

don't like buxom, I like boyishly cute..... should be plenty of those where you work Bob... send me a couple and we can negotiate
Yeah she did....she's not long spoke about her ex girlfriend on the dating site thread.
Rowan, can I be the devilishly handsome bloke that caused confusion as you realised how hot I was??
BTW I can send you hundreds of boyish ladies, the mobs full of them!
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Oh I see, didnt look at that one ummm
rowan, but why did you bothere getting married if you were/are both gay?
just curious x
Bob is like Johnny Wilkinson - always trying to convert.
Neither of us were when we met.....I was only 20 he was 22 engaged really quickly, bit of a rocky marriage I couldn't have kids which made things worse... then he just came home one day and said he was leaving and I just knew.... We were together 11 years took two years to do the divorce....

No bob but only because you are too young and inexperienced
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and you are happy now rowan?
I hope so
Young and inexperienced?????? I'll agree with the young bit lol
Not exactly but content.... hope to find someone new someday...

Female or male.... I've changed once could change again unlikely though but I've always said i fall for people not just a set of bits
Lucky have a better chance :-)
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ha-ha nice one rowan x
No bob is not like Jonny wilkinson....JW is dedicated, modest, and very cute....even better from the second row back at Twickers level with the 22 yard line when he is taking a conversion.... I could make an exception for him...
I walk in there on purpose, if the queue fr ladies is too long I have often gone in the blokes
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what about the odious pong 4get

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how many of you ladyeees, have walked into the Gents toilet by mistake?

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