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It's Gingers birthday tomorrow.....

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ummmm | 09:58 Fri 21st May 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
So I might take a walk into town but I don't know what to get him...

So far I've got him a Stella fridge which I will fill, and a jacket thingy. Any other ideas?

He's going to be 36
Doesn't really like anything that involves moving...
Supports ManU...(but wouldn't be seen dead in a football shirt)
Has only just started reading


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Get him a Book ' A History of Man City FC ' that will cheer him up :-)
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Great idea....he would see the funny side of that :-)
Molton Brown Cool mentha hair and Body Wash.....will send you mad ummmm, especially if you both go into the shower together.....!!
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Shoppings done now Sqad but I will remember for future reference :-)
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lol I can see why he wouldnt wear a man u shirt (bit of a clash of colour??)
Write him a note that says
"Seeing as it's your birthday me and you are having night in bed. I'm going to invite one of my mates over as well. You choose who!"


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It's Gingers birthday tomorrow.....

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