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How often do you have a tipple?

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MissCommando | 21:08 Sat 22nd May 2010 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Just being nosy really! How much do you think you spend on alcohol per week? I'm a right saddo, don't like drinking or getting drunk. I prob drink no more than 10 drinks per year! lol


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The thing that annoys me is if the doctor asks me how much I drink I answer 'Not much, maybe a glass of wine every three or four weeks' and this is probably an overestimation but they probably put down more than that because it's something 'everyone lies about'!
As for Dorothy on BBC1 MissCommando, I cannot stand this type of programme.....making viewers phone-in all the time,raising more coffers for the BBC which I'm sure goes in their FAT bulging wages.I reckon this is why the BBC TV licence is so expensive.....
Anyway, I've heard that Andrew Lloyd Webber will NOT be doing another show like this anymore.

Phew!! Thank goodness for that......let's have something new and different on TV now BBC please!!!
I only drink on Sunday afternoons. As I work mon-fri days and fri-sat night I dont really get alot of opportunity. As I brew my own I often have about 4 batches on the go to choose from.
Very rarely drink....,maybe a bailey's at xmas or a glass of champers now and again. Just got out of the habit!!
I drink when I feel like it-swings and roundabouts with me. I dont analyse how often i drink -I just know im healthy and thats good enough for me.
I have wine with dinner every day...........

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How often do you have a tipple?

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