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FAO Lie-in king

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okapi | 16:27 Sun 23rd May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Just to say that I hope all goes well with you. I'm another one that doesn't do well in hot weather! I suppose that my sort of animal does better in the depths of shady forests even when they are Leos by birth.
Best wishes,


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Hi, I'm a Leo, but I can't take the heat any more, it must be my age
I agree with you both, I'm a Leo. Used to love the sun when I was younger, but just get irritable now. I absolutely LOVE the winter (my son's the same!).
my 'little ' fur ball of a cat loves this weather,hardly seen her today,terrier loves the sun too!bring on the sun
How nice to find some like-minded folk - I'm so used to being told that I'm a miserable sod when I moan about the heat! I'm a Cancerian, so suppose I should be in the water?..
Ok, you people who don't like heat; what is the temperature where you live?
Hi there

Don't know the temperature today only that it is hot hot hot and I love it!
So does my Bull Terrier so had to slap on the factor 50 on her pink bits!
Just come back from a week at my caravan in Lincolnshire and its been hot all week, who needs to dodge the volcano ash when you have these temperatures!

Hi stewey - I don't have a thermometer, but my desktop "Gadget" shows 27°...
I didn't realize that it got up to 27 in the UK. I'm pretty sure it didn't when I was there as a kid.......many, many moons ago! Right now, on the shores of beautiful Lake Ontario, it's 25 and will get a little higher later in the afternoon. Great weather for a long-weekend. Later in the week it is supposed to get to the mid 30's; now that is too hot for me.
Hit 32 on our deck at the hottest part of the day.... I thought that would be a really good time to mow the lawn.... that idea didn't last long, Put the sun-lounger in the shade and poured myself a nice drinkie poo until the urge to be energetic went away
Cheers rowanwitch! :-))

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