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Linen/Knitwear Query

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supersuezy24 | 16:26 Mon 24th May 2010 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
My mam was looking for something earlier in her wardrobe and noticed that one of her favourite white knit crochet style jumpers had some faint yellow like colouring on various patches on it, It was just folded in the wardrobe and she hadn't worn it in a while.

Does anyone know how she can get this colouring out of the jumper?

My apologies if this is posted in the wrong place.


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now, could be anything! Bases of creams and perfumes can stain, natural oils in the wood, can be marks from where the washing solution or fabric softener hadn't been rinsed out - my mother kept on getting yellow/orange stains on her under-forearms on her cardigans and it wasn't until i saw her reach to close the lounge curtains, that she was brushing against the pollen stamens of a bunch of flowers that I knew where they were coming from!
If it is cotton she could try washing it in a mild bleach solution.

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