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Sarah Ferguson! Scams and All

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oscarina | 22:33 Mon 24th May 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Does she get revenue from the Civil List, how do you feel about having to pay taxes to support her and her entourage! Her recent scam to secure money because of her Royal connections is despicable!


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she does not get any money from the civil list as she is not a member of the royal family. She got a one-off payment from the divorce and thats it
What has she done??
She doesn't.
It's no different from the way a lot of 'big business' conducts itself.
Why is it despicable ? Supply and demand. If someone is prepared to pay her for something within her capacity (and it's not illegal) then why shouldn't she go for it ?
She didn't break the law, and saw the "offer" as an answer to her prayers. It would have been the answer to her creditors' prayers too.
Sarah was using her 'royal' links to Prince Andrew. He is the UK'sSpecial Representative for Trade and Investment she was trying to sell an introduction to Prince Andrew for an Indian businessman in order to set up trade deals from which she would receive 1% commission. She insists that Andrew doesn't know about this.She was videoed picking up the briefcase containing $40.000 cash deposit. How she would achieve this without her exes knowledge beats me.
What a despicable person to set her up.

It's not unusual for a 'rep' to receive a fee for organising high profile meetings; with a percentage being 'donated' to the VIP.
Give her a break, Budgie The Helicopter has been grounded because of the volcanic ash cloud and she needs the cash
She is always working hard to clear her debts, it was reported in the Express that her daughters help her out financially. I think she's her own worst enemy. I used to feel admiration for her the way she managed after her divorce but I'm not so sure about her now. The reason they set her up was because it was rumoured that she had already done it before.
he's been at Wentworth all week. She's probably bored being a grass widow.

Anyone want to meet my OH for a tenner ?
5mins & no takers ? Reduced offer 50p :)
tambo, it`s like ebay, wait for the last 10 seconds and the bids will fly in
I dont know Elvis, there's no pleasing some.

He is a ghost - does that make a difference ?
Yes it does, people will see right through him
and I thought it was spirits they like on here :(
look at that, he said I squawk too much and he's put up my photo.

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