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are you watching Jeremy kyle ?

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wendilla | 09:17 Wed 26th May 2010 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I am moved to tears with his show today . The children on there deserve a medal . What they have gone through gives us a lot to be thankful for with our children.


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Watched a bit but turned over. It's a bit too early to get emotional for me....
^snap, ummmm.
It's my boys birthday, today, and I'm feeling a little bit 'unnessary' anyway...........:o)
Happy Birthday to him. How old is he now?
And watching those children made me feel a little bit 'there but for the grace of........'
It's my boys birthday tomorrow wendilla
Yeah....count your blessings and all that.

Time does fly....I still find it hard to speak to Shane and Simone as adults :-/
Sorry, i meant jack lol

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are you watching Jeremy kyle ?

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