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vivandorron | 23:07 Tue 25th May 2010 | Editor's Blog
36 Answers
The Ed now has a new Avatar,
Which I think must be number 4.
If he keeps changing his mind,
I bet I'm left behind;
In trying to keep account of the score.

Ron... ( A genuine Welsher.)


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I think you've got that back to front, jack (sorry, I seem to be following you round at the moment): it's unfair to make use of a free website while blocking out all mention of the advertisers who are responsible for its continuing existence?
Currently using Chrome....

We are nothing if not inconsistent! Will pass it on Chuck, good spot.

shall i start opening all the ads or just the big ones ?
Hi Umm,

Well, you don't have to, but if you see something you like in an ad you may as well!

We'd love to run this without any ads on it at all, but cash is kind of important!
I've only clicked on them by accident.

Do the companies know how many hits they get from this site?
Actually, I agree with you, jno.............
It's just that I don't have the best broadband connection in the world, and I found that the ads were compromising the turnaround speed of the pages.

I'll remove the ad-blocker (because I have looked at many of the ads) when my connection improves.
Ummm, yes the companies will know what the referring site is when you click on the ads.
There could be a job in that. I could be an ad clicker....
Don't worry about it Jack!

I can't tell you to click ads I'm afraid, it is probably against the law or something. I was just hoping some of you would have clicked our silly new Public Service Announcements! I was quite proud of the one in CB, it has the ring of a SUN headline - harder to write than you think!

Ummm: Yep, everyone knows where the "clicks" come from.
ummmm - Send your CV to..............AB Towers, Kettering (not far to travel for the interview ! ) :o)
or you could do it as guerrilla activity, ummmm, to mislead global corporations into thinking they're popular.
CV on the way ed.....
Thats a bit "black hat" Umm - we're not into that. We're good guys.

Spare Ed
Yeah yeah yeah....I believe ya :-)
Nothing to be seen Ed. Zilch
Question Author
I'm now lost by a lot of what has been said.

If I engage Adblock for AB, the site becomes unusable to me. Anyway, I am not bothered by the adverts because I am not being forced to read them.


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