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it is persistently pishing down here..

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Bobbisox | 13:31 Wed 26th May 2010 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Were those two days at the weekend,,,,
The Summer?


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That cheered me up. I have had a long day waiting for a docs appointment. Blooming silly system for booking - I wish I could sort it out for them.
If any of you blokes or blokettes get over here to the Toronto area, I'll glady give you bucket-fulls of heat to take back to Blimeyland:) It's going up to the mid-30s this afternoon with the humidex. I can't remember the last time we had a significant rainfall; the farmers are not too happy.......Come and get the free heat!
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I book mine on line
They,re all fine bobbi,thankyou very much for asking.
Eldest one,aged 10,has now got her own PC and is in contact with me on MSN.She keeps me informed how her little sister is,although she is not always complimentary about her !!
Hope all yours are well.How is SIL now ?
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he's great now dg, awww I love being a grandma x
Well, it's still summer in North Norfolk!! The sun shines on the righteous Bobby - so what does that make you?
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make the wicked blink Lottie..ha-ha
Hi lottie,
Glad Norfolk ok,hows Tt and the sheep ?
Hope you,re well.
Regards dg

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it is persistently pishing down here..

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