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Connemmara | 12:16 Thu 27th May 2010 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
I could be on TRAVEL site - but I guess will get more posters here - anybody be bored of holidays particularly if you dont like the sun and shopping - you can do all that at home.

Was away there for 3 days and my friend put my head away with her constant smoking and finding places allowing to smoke and being away for ages at designated smoking areas - also trying to smoke in the hotel bedrooms through a veranda. Never again. Also she had me up on the last morning smoking her brains through the veranda and it was half past 5 in the morning.


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"bored of holidays"

"dont like sun and shopping"

Sorry ... I don't understand these expressions.
Question Author
bored wandering about trying to kill time that is what I mean - particularly if you dont like to shop or like lying in the sun - would that be graphic enough for you.
But ... How can anyone not like shopping or lying in the sun ???????

Actually, I have a drinking pal who smokes a lot.

It's okay at this time of year, but in the winter I spend hours standing out in the naughty garden, freezing my t!ts off. I'm surprised my wine doesn't freeze sometimes!
I hate shopping...with a passion. Not keen on lying in the sun either......although I don't mind sitting out with a good book and a cold glass of wine.
how do you smoke your brains throught the veranda?

this is why i go on holiday on my own!
Show me the poolside ... pass me a towel ...

... and don't wake me until tea time.
You go on holiday on your own? Do you not get bored? That's very brave....I struggle to walk into a pub on my own..!!
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Bad an all as I am - I would not like to travel on my own - will have to get non-smoking pals which I do have loads of - also next time I think it would be better to be in a crowd of 3-8 - great craic. Two is too much in your face.
I agree connemmara ... a crowd is fun.

And don't forget the pink stetsons from Claire's Accessories !
yeah i hate having to consider someone else all the time, i'm so selfish, when my mate came down to devon even though it was great to see her she was only supposed to be staying for one night and stayed till sat i was getting annoyed by that point!
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Thank God somebody out there is like me - I am beginning to believe it is all my fault. By the way have not heard from her from when we came home last week and believe me she sticks to me like glue. Am truly glad of my space. I was getting suffocated.

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