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A google search suggests it is.
There are some bona fide sites thrown up by the search including Martin Lewis's Money Saving Expert
Looks very like it Dot.Are you getting anywhere?
is this any help Dot
The number you've given above, Dot, is a US number. If you're sending a fax from the UK you need to precede it with '001'.
Dot, does this help?


Scroll down to "Joisey63"'s post.
Question Author
yes i'm getting somewhere, paypal knew 5 days ago that someone had hacked into her account but all they did is email her and ask her to fax all her bank statements and a copy of her passport to prove her id
Sorry Dot, you obviously didn't need the info I gave you.
Hey call me a cynic but why should she have to give her very personal details to PP.They had her bank details in the first place so it should be up to them to tighten their secirity and then launch an internal enquiry aided by the Police to track the fraudsters down.
Question Author
It doesn;t help that the bloke on the phone is in the Philipines, and he wasn't very helpful either, he wasn't able to give me the name of his boss to complain to,
Bad taste in my mouth here -please dont let her give her details out to PP.I would rather be £12 down but I wouldnt let them away with it either.

Any disputes ive had PP have refunded no prob -something apart from the bleeding obvious is very fishy here.

I have never had to provide a copy of my passport nor bank statements -thats ludicrous !!
Dot this is the number i used last time i contacted paypal

08707 307 191
this used to be open
6am - 10pm
Question Author
I've spoken to two people at paypal and they say they have requested this sort of fax, I told them to fax anything it;'s £1 a sheet for UK gawd knows what it is to the US, I'm fed up arguling with them they are like machines

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is this fax number paypal?

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