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moonraker558 | 03:19 Fri 28th May 2010 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Now everyone has gone to bed who shall we talk about?


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you,. me, anyone !! ?? I'm not in bed, why aren't you ??
Question Author
Still trying to get through a night shift
you poor soul - I have an advantage, it's well and truly daylight here in my part of the world - Oz
Question Author
First signs of dawn approaching here so you must be heading towards dusk soon I assume.
god, I hope not !! I'm in trouble with the boss if it is !!! seriously, just passed noon and I'm about to have coffee and choccy bix with said boss [ OH ]
Question Author
Lunch with boss eh? Any agenda going on we should know about?
have you headed home yet, Moonraker, or still watching the night go slowly by ?? and are you one of the wiltshire moonrakers ??? I'm married to one, so I know the genuine article.

sorry to be boring, but no agenda with the boss, more's the pity !!
Question Author
Small world, I am indeed one of the originals.
isn't it just !!! mine was born in Devizes, many moons ago, and has been living in the colonies since the early 60's

mind you, he's not a full blood, his dad was welsh, but don't hold that against him.
Question Author
I am about 6 miles south of Devizes, in fact I have to go there this morning shopping. Deep joy.
are you being sarcastic ?? I've no idea as I've never made it across there and mental picture is of small village, but probably incorrect !!!
Question Author
It's a small town but very busy with frequent traffic jams because of the lack of a good road system around it.
Question Author
Soon be packing up and heading for home, thats me then till sunday night when I get to do it all over again . Been nice talking to you might catch you another time. Google images will give you an idea of Devizes if you are interested.
typical, I guess. nothing was built with the influx of tourists in mind. I imagine summers must be hell with people all over the place goggling at villages/castles/whatever
Question Author
Its not so much the tourists just too much everyday traffic. Give me village life anytime.
hello xx

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