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NoMercy | 19:11 Thu 27th May 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Can you check your emails please.



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Ssssshhhhhh Sqad might see !!!!!
-- answer removed --
awww feel left out now
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But I haven't got your email, Bobbi... x
get it off ummm or Dris pet, same for little suezie, I give them my permission to do this x
Are you ready for the big move NoM?
How though Bobbisox?
are you on FB?
I'm not but you can get Dris in there I think and perhaps she will give you my email, have to ask her first
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Mazie.... just a little packing tomorrow and then I must take Alfie to the Vets before 8pm tomorrow evening for his Ticks and Tapeworm treatment. I booked the Eurotunnel today and had to take the car in to get some fluid for the power steering.
Yup, Dris if you see this, let me know if you mind me getting the email address off you on facebook.. me and I'll give you it..

[email protected]

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