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What did you have for breakfast today?

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McMouse | 10:31 Fri 28th May 2010 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Mine was fresh sqeezed orange juice, 2 soft boiled eggs with marmite soldiers and celery salt, pot of tea.


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I've never been that keen on eating porridge, but do so to help keep my cholesterol down (along with a tablet a day). I can't stand full or semi-skimmed milk, so mix it with half water & half skimmed.
That's why I have soya milk Smudge. Having soya milk and soya spread has helped enormously. Besides I don't like real milk.
I just realised I havent eaten yet. Not good.
nope not seeing anyone today nevermind anyone special, that will be tomorrow night ;)
Thanks Lottie, I might give both a try tomorrow - every little helps!
Smudge, try and get the unsweetened Soya. I much prefer soya milk to milk. Try Oatibix instead of porridge, much nicer especially the oatibix bites with apple and sultana. I always add some extra fruit. Hubby eats them instead of biscuits now which is good!

My cholestorol (sp.) was near to 7 and has gone to under 5 and I don't take any medication.

Have a nice bank holiday. x
Actually, I made a mistake, I actually have Benecol extra light spread, but I think it's based on soya.
Rice Krispies and tea, and a masochistic read of the Mail.

It usually ends up looking like a prehistoric monument, when the bits of spat ceral have dried after i have ranted at their latest nonsense.

An ongoing string in the Mail at the moment - apart from their Picture Editor's love affair with Samantha Cameron (?!) - is their need to put arrested criminals in their proper context.

So,this morning we have Stephen Griffiths, accused serial killer who apparently went to a public school (eek, he's one of ours!!!), but it's OK, because a couple of paragraphs further on, the mail feels it necessary to advise us that his parents split up when he was small (phew! That's a relief, he's an oik after all, close call though!)

Bacon and tomator sarnie for breakfast. A small tin of country vegetable soup and half a slice of toast with butter for lunch, and later we'll have kippers. Not an exciting day today foodwise.
Porridge with dried fruit for breakfast.......sardines on thick buttered toast for lunch....going to be lasagne and salad for dinner, along with some smelly cheese and biscuits, and possible copious amounts of white wine.
No wonder you look so miserable ask your gran.
Wheatabix and wholemeal toast. Apple juice to follow. Cup of tea about an hour later. I have a full English at weekends.

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