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No Mercy

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bobjugs12 | 20:54 Fri 28th May 2010 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Hey hun,

I just wanted to say hi, and enquire as to whether you're still online?



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Hey ! I'm just having a cup of tea and then heading off to bed. x x
nomercy ...... has he gone yet?

are we safet ot tp to go out now??

Have you been on the sauv blanc, JJ? lol

X x
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I just wanted to apologise if I appeared a bit short earlier.
The kids have worn me out this afternoon, and i'm knackered.

Well if we don't get a chance to speak before you set off tomorrow then have a safe journey, if you want to chat though, i'll be around for another half hour, then i'm popping out for a bit, then i'll be back.

Take care and speak soon babe
cant remember. been very jolly. going to waqlk into town soon for few drinks and go to casino. gor gooood feeling toonight.
That's alright hun, I was jumping into the bath anyway. You did sound very tired. x
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Lol, ok sorry anyway though
Right, g'night all.

JJ... have a great time tonight ! x

Bob... I'll either text or call you from Le France tomorrow night. I should be able to get online too. X
Question Author
Good night babe

Take care, and have fun tomorrow... am I doing up at this ungodly hour?

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No Mercy

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