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supersuezy24 | 14:27 Sat 29th May 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
..Hi, How did you get on yesterday?


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Hi suezy - thanks for asking - I sold about 4/5 necklaces - 4 bracelets and a couple pairs earrings and I have an order to make a necklace and bracelet. And then someone saw a bracelet I had sold and wants another one like it - so very well all in all . The manager has said I could do it twice a month if I want
well done you peri,,,
Question Author
That's brilliant:)
Good on ya!
What do you use? I noticed you said beads yesterday but do you have images we could see?
Thanks stoke - its absolutely miserable here today - what's it like over there
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Peri, just thinking..That market between spencer dock and the point, maybe you could sell more there??? That'd be good!
Suezy - I have a FB page - if you are on ummmms ?? she will point you towards me - I saw you had her email .
Is that the new one ? A friend mentioned it to me yesterday I think
Hi peri, are you still selling on eBay? Someone posted a link to your shop page a while back but I can't find it today.....
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Brill..Whats your pic of or would it be easy for me to find you?
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Peri, It started today, it's on now for the rest of summer (i think) every weekend
I think my pic is a bracelet I made
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CooI I'll look for you :)
Hi boxy - nothing at the moment - I'm hoping to open an Etsy shop online but from the middle of next week I'm working full time till the middle July and this is my husbands mad busy season and with 5 of us here I can only anticipate I'm not going to get a chance till the end of summer . And I'm still waiting for my new meds to work . So it FB fanpage for the foreseeable I'm afraid
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Got ya :)
That bracelet is gorgeous!!
I love it :)
its raining peri....a horrible grey day....
And you found me suezy - :-)
Stoke - I have taken to the couch with jelly beans and the omen - is that a bad omen?
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Ah good stuff Peri :)
Nice one peri -your jewellry is stunning !!

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