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FAO Bobjugs...

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NoMercy | 21:30 Sat 29th May 2010 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Are you still online, gorgeous? x


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Evening NoM - he certainly was earlier, gave us an update on your journey. You and Alfie faring OK?
Hey there superstar!

How's the hotel? Has it got a nice big bed and a minibar?
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No minibar :-(
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Boxy... not bad ta. You? x
How's the bed though?
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El crappo.

I'm going to turn in now. Goodnight x x
Shame, i'd have come over and shared it with you if it was nice xx

Have a safe journey tomorrow, enjoy the tunnel, and remember that we drive on the left over here. Night babe and sleep well.

Just back from Morocco NoM - catching up with everyone at the moment! Have a safe journey back here, sleep well!
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Very good point, Bob - I must remember that !

I once drove on the left back in Spain. :-/

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FAO Bobjugs...

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