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Wow, I've just been on SAB.....

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bobjugs12 | 22:44 Sat 29th May 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
......and it turns out I'm not real. Apparantly i'm too nice and my pics are to pretty to be real.
Funniest thing i've heard all day!! :D


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Thanks for that TT, love you too!!
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Well I must admit I do find myself trying to patch things up and sooth troubled waters over there so I will grant you that.

Thanks for the link Jack, it wasn't very scathing really have seen worse on hereLOL Don't fret Bobjugs it means they've noticed you.
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eerrrm someone is in there as bobblesox....ha-ha
should I feel flattered?
I looked at that site yesterday when bobbisox referenced it and thought it was weird. Reading the link posted by jackthehat confirms that. You have the right attitude by laughing bob as I am LMAO and will continue to whilst at a real pub tonight ;n)xoxo

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