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benny3008 | 20:10 Mon 31st May 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
a limit to the amount of times you can be reported before you get kicked off AB?


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Not too sure Benny, Too many spammers and p*ss takers on this the past 2 or 3 days ain't there?
Are you ok?
can we test it on u benny? :)

only kidding xx
Question Author
Yes, there have been alot recently. Yes, im okay thank you, and you? :-)
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lol whitebears, i wasnt sayin yes to you, ooops. hehehe. :-)
I'm ok Benny, thanks :)
How did things go with your girlfriend?
lol i know benny :)
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Ive spoken to her, we have addressed the problems and she has explained that she is very insecure, which i already knew anyway, i think we have more or less sorted things, no doubt it will happen again but eventually, im sure she will realise that a relationship involves meeting up etc... she understands that she needs to open up more but she is worried i will leave her if she does, im a bit concerned she may be hiding something but hey, time will tell. :-)
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She sounds scarily like me!!!
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lol supersuezy, Dr_sweetlove, you are beginning to p!ss me off, please...... get stuffed!
Don't rise to him Benny, It's what he wants...
I'm serious..Scarily like me haha
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Is this the Dr's first day on here - is that why he's excited?
That or he's esaped from some asylum Lardy haha
hi benny, some ppl are more open than others,
like me i like to keep alot of things/problems to myself as i dont like sharing it with anyone else. but one day i prob will share it, but it can b hard.

my advise is just be patient (not sure if its the right spelling) with her, she will b more open.

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is there....

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