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"I remember" - stupid statement

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joggerjayne | 21:47 Mon 31st May 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Is any phrase in the English language more superfluous than "I remember" ?

As in ... "I remember how we used to ..."

Or ... "I remember when we were in Spain last year, there was this ..."

Or ... "I remember this girl who went to my school, who ..."

Well, you hardly need to say you "remember" something if you're telling someone about it !

As Basil Fawlty would say ... Specialist subject - the bleeding obvious.


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I remember when you first came on here you were quite shy.
Question Author
I remember when you used to reply to my threads without being facetious !!


I remember that too! lol
Question Author
Did you know that Mike Nesmith's mum invented Tippex?

Or it might have been Mickey Dolenz.

It was one of The Monkees, anyway.
That i don't remember.....LOL!
JJ, I remembered you earlier but had forgotten to mention it then.

What about ^^^^?
It was Mike Nesmiths mother, I've remembered that fact for several decades now but sometimes i need reminding.
It was definitely Mike Nesmith's Mum jj. Wasn't Jeremy Clarkson's Mum famous for knitting the first Paddington bear or something weird like that?
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Hands up anyone else who wishes thier mum had invented Tippex !!

(JJ's bank manager puts his hand up!)
Question Author
Yes, Lardy.

She sold him to (insert name ... can't remember) to help send JC to Repton School.

So, strictly speaking, JC's mum did create Paddington Bear.
Wouldn't want to be sexist - I'd have been quite happy if my Dad had invented it - that or the Dyson
she left her son about 30million when she died cos of her invention, that was long after his monkee days, and even after his solo career, I had his 2 LPs Tantamount to Treason and I've forgotten what the other one was called, something about Nevada I think
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Was it Oliver Postgate?
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Dot Hawkes owned Mike Nesmith albums.

That is just wrong on so many levels.
I used to love Davy Jones, but thought the rest were dweebs
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This is becoming surreal.
I remember by Maurice Chevalier
What are we going on about....???
Didn't want to say "I Remember when I went to a Monkees concert "jj!
This is getting tragically enigmatic to say the least?

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Do you know the answer?

"I remember" - stupid statement

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