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My colleague has been diagnosed with a depressed vagina.... Ouch!

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Bbbananas | 09:45 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Rather her than me.... Mine's quite happy :-)


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what the fluff is one of them sall...rotfl
what's the cure for that, then?
Is it a lack of Sex that causes Vaginal Depression salla ?........:-)
lol poor her!
Question Author
Vulvodynia - unexplained vag pain.
Or maybe it's a vagina that's just "not in the mood".

Cure? Oh yes - but it depends upon the woman. A cure for mine, should I have one, is Johnny Depp in the first instance and if that doesn't come to fruition or cheer it up, then Purple Ronnie might perk things up.
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I do apologise folks for this so early in a morning and so early in the week.
It's bobbi's fault.... !!! She leads me astray.
purple ronnie lvs a foo-foo valve
Squad your expertise is required to sort out these depressed vaginas otherwise Johnny Depp will step into the breach........
-- answer removed --
red......the situation is clear.......the vagina is so lax, that gravity has depressed it to the extent that one has to be careful not to trip over it. A cause of facial injuries in women.
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Oh dear, poor Brenda.
I'd better watch my step then - with my propensity towards accidents. Don't want to go to A&E and have to tell them I slipped on a colleague's procidentia.... ;-)

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My colleague has been diagnosed with a depressed vagina.... Ouch!

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