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I hate ironing

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bobjugs12 | 19:59 Tue 01st Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Does anybody else fancy doing it for me?


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I detest ironing too. I won't do it for you, but I'd pour you a glass of wine and cook you something while you do the ironing...
No thanks - womens work
Don't think any of us can beat NoM's offer!
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I've already eaten thanks babe, but the vino sounds sooooo good. I'd let you choose whats on the telly as well. See, thats true love xx
You do mine and I'll do yours, bobs - my pile is abut 3 ft high.
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Joeluke, to be fair. There isn't a woman in the world that can iron my uniform as well as me. It's the rest of my stuff that i don't want to do
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Box, no deal!
You must be joking. I've lived here for 8 months and the BF has seen me get the iron out once. Then I asked how to use it. he was in shock for days.

He keeps saying "when I get a job" and I finish by saying "you'll still be ironing your own effing shirts".
"I'd let you choose what's on the telly as well."

You are a true gent.... x x
will that still apply when NoM is ironing while the world cup is on....?
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I know babe, i know.....x
I am not, I repeat NOT doing his ironing... !

I can't wait for the World Cup ! :-)
I can iron a shirt in under a long does it take you ?
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No boxxy, the World Cup or any football with either England or Portsmouth will take priority over anything else. I'd be willing to negotiate about other teams football though
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Tambo, I can iron a shirt with razor sharp creases and pressed to perfection in 20 minutes. But i'm not timing it, I'm making it perfect!

Right folks, i've got to sod off for half an hour. See y'all in a bit

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I hate ironing

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