I do appreciate the points you make regarding the types of emmisions from volcanoes.
However, the questioner specifically referred to lava per se rather than the other materials involved. I would not have insulted nicolab6's intelligence by referring to other materials such as volcanic ash, cinders, tephra, molten rock, hot rock and even mud that can be emitted from volcanoes.
With regard to the lava sample I have in my office, I'm afraid that your reasoning is incorrect.
Let's discuss lava viscosity. Lava can be classified into two broad types as far as viscosity is concerned.
Highly viscous lava does indeed entrap gas that can be released by puncturing the vesicles (your "bubbles") that are contained within the solidified lava. However, this type of lava does not flow readily. Highly viscous lava is the type that is emitted during the traditional concept of a volcanic aruption. But wait a moment; do I hear you say that the traditional concept of a volcanic eruption includes a picture of fast moving lava down the outside of the volcano? Yes, that's right, but and this is a great big but, the very reason that lava flows fast in such circumstances is because the flow rate is proportional to the rate of loss of the trapped gases within the lava. The faster the gases are released, the more rapidly the lava flows.